Online marketing insights

14 business tools you wish you knew before

Last updated - September 27 2023 9:28 AM
Nina Suwaj
Reading time - 8 min
Online marketing insights

14 business tools you wish you knew before

Last updated - September 27, 2023
author push notification Nina Suwaj
8 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

Tight deadlines, frequent ASAPs, decrease of productivity in your company, unclear duties’ division? In today’s world, new technologies facilitate professional tasks, and you should make the best of them. We’ve prepared a list of 14 tools for entrepreneurs, which can help boost yours and your team’s efficiency. Check it out:

Web builder: Landingi

Nowadays, every company needs a proper website. Designing and coding it from scratch can be expensive and time-consuming. The market is filled with tools intended to help in this area. Landingi is an alternative to other popular creators, and it offers few pricing plans which you can test for 14-days for free. Thanks to this platform you’re able to create and publish a landing page (even without any programming skills, choose from +100 templates and edit it using drag and drop method), manage leads, automate key tasks (integration with other solutions like MailChimp, HubSpot, SalesForce), analyse and optimise your page.

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Source: Landingi

Social Media Management: Kontentino

Social media is a dynamic field which cannot be underestimated. When wisely designed and executed communication via social networks can be extremely effective. To manage all your brand’s platforms, schedule posts, get insights and reports, cooperate with your team and easily send posts for approval if needed - try Kontentino. Furthermore, you can save your ideas and inspirations for future posts and tag them for easier searching. Two months trial is waiting for you - use code Kontent2018 to get it!

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Source: Kontentino YouTube

Webinars: WebinarJam

E-learning is a standard nowadays. No wonder - it allows taking a course online from anywhere in the world. It’s incredibly cost-effective but still successful in knowledge sharing. Live Casting, Event Streaming, and Webinar Broadcasting you can proceed via WebinarJam. Webinar rooms are secured with password protection; you can engage with a virtual whiteboard, polls and live chat and customise your pages for brand consistency. What’s more? WebinarJam automatically records every webinar and creates advanced reports, so you’re able to get to know your data.

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Source: WebinarJam

Automatic Callback: CallPage

If someone visits your website, he’s potentially interested in your products or services. Wouldn’t be great to call him right away? That’s precisely a purpose of CallPage. With this solution, another example of marketing automation in use, you can get an extra 30-125% of leads on the phone, close more deals and convert more website visitors. Catch your audience while it’s eager to get more information. Wondering how it works and if it’s for your company? Seven days trial will dispel your doubts.


Source: CallPage

Push notifications: PushPushGo

Marketing automation is an increasing trend, simply because it’s resultful and time-saving for your marketing team. Web push notifications can be an effective way to gain subscribers and new leads. PushPushGo takes care of creation (just a few clicks to design notification). Report panel enables to track users on your website and moreover, you can tag your recipients basing on their interests. Thanks to automation you can create scenarios and send automatic notifications. Psst! PushPushGo doesn’t prolong the loading time on your website, and we all know how crucial that may be for a potential customer. That’s how all the magic is done!


Scenario Creator. Source: PushPushGo

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Analytics report. Source: PushPushGo

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Would you like to try web push notifications on your site? Test completely free of charge up to 500 subscribers

B2B lead generator: Albacross

Knowing who's visiting your website is a milestone when it comes to lead generation. What if you could now more about them? What if you could actually find out which company they work for and what position they have there? It's possible with Albacross! This platform helps you identify and reach your target high-value companies. The free plan offers unlimited visitors and companies, unlimited users, automated email reports, revenue and employees, filtering and tagging.

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Source: Albacross

Internet monitoring: SentiOne

Social listening is crucial when speaking about the community and your customers. Thanks to that you can answer for your audience’s complaints and compliments in every place on the Internet - not only when someone mentions your brand on social media. React also when people talk about your branch, maybe they don’t know your products yet? SentiOne provides Internet Monitoring for unlimited keywords. Manage your reputation online and protect your brand from an image crisis. Thanks to reports which include a sentiment, you can find out how your customers and potential clients see your company and brand. Get conclusions and consider them while designing the next marketing strategy. Free trial shows the wide range of possibilities which comes along with social listening.

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Source: SentiOne

Photobank: Pixey

There are a lot of photobanks on the market, and you have probably used at least one of them. The problem with stock photos is that they often look similar, unnatural, and we can see the same models frequently. There’s a specific style that we can recognise. If you are looking for original images with unique people you should definitely try Pixey! It’s a platform which enables buying authentic content from Instagramers. Everyone can profit from this game-changing solution! Your brand can get a new, fresh visual image - just search for proper tags.

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Source: Pixey

Project Management: Taskeo

Organisations across the globe face a challenge to cooperate. Taskeo, a productivity multitool, is the answer. You can integrate apps into your workflow, so everything you need for smooth teamwork is in one place. If your company has an internal system, Taskeo will also integrate it with other tools, and you can use it for free up to 3 users. It sounds like a wish coming true, right?

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Source: Taskeo

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Source: Taskeo

Time tracking: TimeCamp

What’s the most precious resource when it comes to business matters? Time. Tracking is essential from an employers point of view, but often tools intended to it are often unintuitive for employees. TimeCamp it’s also an accurate attendance tracker which works automatically. You can appreciate it while you measure projects’ profitability or bill your clients. It’s time to try an individual account for free!


Source: TimeCamp

Communicator: Hey Space

Messenger and task management tool in one? It’s possible with Hey Space. It’s quite new in the market but seems promising. An absolutely free platform can gather your team in many groups dedicated to projects so you can discuss in the main feed and see tasks on the side. You can also use your own space to store links and inspirations. It’s simple but intuitive - your team will love it!

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Source: Hey Space

Accounting software: AND CO

Business is not only about creative projects and exciting innovations, it’s also about formalities and budget. AND CO is a free business software, which helps running a company smoothly. Have invoices created automatically for you based on your contracts and projects. The program offers easy and secure payments directly embedded into your invoicing (Credit Cards, ACH & PayPal payments). AND CO reminds your client’s about payment if they’re late with that and lets you know when customer viewed the invoice. The tool helps you get through all stages of process: send proposal, create project, manage tasks, send invoices get paid - and voilà! One of greats features of AND CO is and automatic expense tracking. Don’t hesitate with trying it.

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Source: AND CO

Screenshots: Skitch

Seems not that important compared to other tools but in everyday work, it can save a lot of your time and frustration! Thanks to Skitch communicating your ideas, or correcting documents/ projects can be surprisingly quick and accurate. Give feedback and save ideas just with a few clicks. Skitch is an entirely free tool provided by Evernote - a well-known platform for making notes and organising work.

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Source: Skitch

Self-developing: Google Primer

As we live in a life-long learning age, we need to constantly improve our skills and finding tips and inspirations on new aspects. On the other hand, we face the lack of time for professional books and training. The answer to these challenges is Google Primer, a free mobile app that gives you easy, 5 minutes lessons on business and marketing topics. You can use it even offline. No more excuses - improve your set of skills in business planning, user experience, mobile marketing, agency management, video marketing, analytics, content marketing and more.

google primer

Source: Google Primer

Business sometimes is a tough nut to crack. We’ve proposed a toolbox we find useful in our work, but every leader and organisation is different. Test various solutions to choose your own set of platforms, apps and software which suits you the best and improve your company effectiveness. Start right now!

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Nina Suwaj

Content Designer @Brainy Bees

Marketing and new technologies enthusiast. Krakow's University of Science and Technology graduate. Gained her experience in interactive agencies. Loves challenges and adventures, not only at work!

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