Real-time push communication to elevate your readers' interactions

Use web push and mobile push notifications to deliver timely and relevant updates that resonate with your audience. Make your app or website a go-to destination for the latest, creating a lasting connection with your subscribers.

user engagement push notifications news media
We are a trusted partner of major media groups and news publishers in Europe
hearst logo mobile push notifications
wp logo breaking news alerts
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forbes logo mobile app push notifications
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newsweek logo boosting user engagement
aller media logo loyal readers

“I have very good experience working with PushPushGo. 

It came as a surprise that web push works better than our newsletters. It gave our marketing a huge boost and now it’s a very important tool in our marketing operations.“

Szymon Narożniak Head of the Online Department in AVT Publishing House
pushpushgo client push notifications

“PushPushGo is great. Right from the start it became a very important tool to increase traffic to our discussion forum. Pushes are easy and fun to make and get significant results, so we do them daily.”

Suomi24 (City Digital Group)
pushpushgo client push notifications

“Web push notifications are a great tool. With its many options, it enables reaching a wider audience, but also segmenting users by topics and their areas of interest.”

Miloš Ivanović Editor in Chief at SrbijaDanas
pushpushgo client push notifications

“Push notifications are a great solution for any publisher who wants to quickly inform about an airplane crash, a controversial politician's decision or new inflation figures, and in such cases they work best.”

Lukasz Sawala Managing and Executive Online Editor at Radio ZET
pushpushgo client push notifications

“Web push is an effective tool for communicating with users. It significantly reduces the cost of acquiring website traffic and has a high conversion rate. Thanks to the use of web push, the profitability of our projects increased by 50%, and the ROI went up by 180-200%.”

Sławomir Paśmionka Business development manager @ Magnuso
pushpushgo client push notifications

“Web push is a must these days. Especially if the media doesn't have an app. But even if you have one, this alternative provides better monetization solutions. There is no development needed and a team of PushPushGo is always on hand."

Matej Košir Executive director, EIC & CTO @ Styria Media si, d.o.o.
pushpushgo client push notifications

“If you are using web push smartly (analyzing the performance), it is a must-have functionality for publishers.”

Sandra Krunic Head of Product Development @ 24sata
pushpushgo client push notifications

Push notifications platform tailored for news and media industry

Easy, intuitive subscription
No need to share
personal data
No collection of cookies

"By working with PushPushGo, we have reduced the cost of a user's visit by an average of 90% compared to paid advertising campaigns.”

Mikołaj Maciejewski CEO @ Magnuso
magnuso logo reach readers on mobile devices
push notification strategy for digital publishers

Deliver breaking news,
get instant impact

Speed up the delivery of the important news with Rocket Push and be the first to deliver breaking news to your audience. 

Rocket Push empowers you to create and send a web push campaign in just 20 seconds. Moreover, with the Rocket Push Chrome extension, our clients can seamlessly send campaigns without even logging into the application.

Do you have more than one news platform? Multi Push enables you to reach all your subscribers across all projects with just one push campaign.

Boost revenue and paid subscriptions

Increased user retention translates into more frequent visits and extended sessions, providing additional opportunities for monetization through advertisements, premium content, or subscription models.

Automated reminders and personalized prompts can re-engage users that abandoned subscription processes, ensuring that potential revenue is not lost during the crucial acquisition stage.

“PushPushGo is an integral part of our owned & operated content distribution network, and the users we acquire through push messages have shown to be more loyal and eager to make purchases than many other channels.”

Eero Laitila Senior Brand Manager @ SEISKA.FI
seiska logo test push notifications
enable push notifications digital media

Engage your readers with personalized content

Gather insights into your audience's interests based on the articles they read and the topics that pique their curiosity. Based on this, deliver customized recommendations that are sure to capture their interest. Use selectors for more personalization in your push campaigns.

Increase retention and number of sessions users spend on your site or application

By promptly delivering news alerts, tailored content updates, and highlights of trending stories, you can draw users back for the latest information. For instance, sending push notifications for live event coverage, exclusive interviews, or personalized news summaries keeps users engaged and eager to stay informed. 

send push notifications news & media
scheduling push notifications analytics

Analyze push notifications performance insights

Evaluate the efficacy of your push communication strategies and enhance your outcomes. Our analytics dashboard provides essential insights into the performance of push campaigns within your project and across the entire organization's portfolio, enabling informed decision-making for optimal results. More information here.

Empowering digital publishers with robust
features customized for their needs

Send web and mobile push notifications
from one app

Instant reach with mass
and targeted campaigns

Push campaigns generated directly
from an RSS feed

Optimize content and delivery strategies
with A/B testing

More engaging experience by adding big graphics, emojis and buttons

Require Interaction to enhance user engagement, ensuring the message doesn't disappear until the user takes action

Trigger-based push
automation scenarios

Advanced segmentation

Localized content based on the user's location for a more relevant experience

Deep Linking to direct users to specific content or pages within your app

Frequency capping to prevent
subscriber overload

User-friendly opt-in mechanisms to easily manage their notification settings

Comprehensive strategy guidance and dedicated support for optimal results

User-friendly interface designed
for seamless management by large
editorial teams

Contact us

Tomasz Tomczyk deliver breaking news Tomasz Tomczyk New Business Development Representative Poland
Joanna Jach receive push notifications Joanna Jach Business Development Manager
Przemek Cymerkiewicz news publishers Przemysław Cymerkiewicz Account Manager
Europe & Balkans
Magdalena Lewandowska digital publishing Magdalena Lewandowska Business Development Manager
Italy & Latam

If you want to speak with us about web and mobile push, fulfill this form.

Thank you for reaching us. We will contact you back as soon as possible.

Push your business forward with PushPushGo

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