Online marketing insights

5 B2B Marketing Trends You Should Consider in 2021

Last updated - November 9 2023 12:46 PM
Clara Jones
Reading time - 6 min
Online marketing insights

5 B2B Marketing Trends You Should Consider in 2021

Last updated - November 9, 2023
author push notification Clara Jones
6 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

Content marketing is nothing new, but it certainly isn’t static either. The marketing game is constantly evolving. In 2021, content marketers need to bear in mind that engaging content adapts alongside its audience and the changing world around it.

The new year is now well and truly upon us, and 2021 calls for an updated approach to marketing in order to meet current trends on a global scale. B2B marketing teams need to start thinking beyond tried and tested blog posts and social media promotion if they want to capture the lion’s share of their markets.

One of the most shocking recent statistics on marketing reveals that 21% of B2B teams still don’t have a clear content marketing strategy in place. These teams simply post and publish content on a whim, without focusing on offering value-added content, or fostering lasting B2B connections.

If you’re one of the many brands that don’t have a cohesive content marketing strategy yet, you could be missing out on golden opportunities. If your business is investing in B2B content marketing, it may still not be as effective as it could be. You need to stay ahead of current industry trends and popular content types in order to power your marketing funnel successfully.

Here are 5 of the latest B2B content marketing trends to inspire you to drive your brand forward in 2021 and beyond.

1. Captivating Video Content

The popularity of video content in the B2C marketing sphere is unparalleled. However, it’s also an essential component of modern B2B content marketing campaigns.

Video content has the power to drive consistently impressive engagement levels. Plus, it’s far more likely to usher potential customers and business partners through your marketing funnel and towards conversion

A cleverly created infographic video can engage your audience significantly more than an 80-page document. Video content offers your brand an opportunity to stand out from its competitors, and tell potential partners more about your services, company culture, and commitment. Not to mention your products and key statistics.

Video media is even more crucial in B2B technology, where businesses aim to gather large volumes of data as quickly as possible. Remember, your potential business partners are eager to work with exciting and dedicated brands, as that is what will help drive their own businesses forward.

2. Conversational Podcasts


Podcasting is another effective content marketing strategy that began its rise to fame in the B2C sphere. Podcasts can provide notable benefits for B2B marketers and their campaigns in 2021.

Podcasts are conversational, informative, and casual by their very nature. This makes them a fabulous tool for businesses hunting for ways to amp up their B2B content marketing approaches. An effective podcast doesn’t require expensive equipment or skilled technicians to produce either. In fact, most companies can make great podcasts using just a few microphones and a quiet location. This makes them a low-investment content form that can generate impressive returns on investment.

Publishing podcasts is simple and often free to achieve even on major distribution channels which will significantly increase your chances of exposure. Their cost-effective nature makes them a handy tool for attracting customers at any point along your company’s marketing funnel. 

Posting a simple introductory podcast can exponentially boost your brand’s exposure and recognition. Every post thereafter will be a permanent and valuable addition to your B2B content toolkit. Podcasts can also increase your conversion rates, and can even enhance your business partnership retention!

3. Symbiotic Co-Marketing Partnerships

Many businesses prefer to focus on themselves and their services in their B2B and B2C marketing approaches. This isn’t inherently wrong, but the problem is that this form of marketing doesn’t have the same wide reach that a truly effective marketing campaign needs.

Speaking about your brand’s business partners and developing working relationships with their marketing teams is a solid way to extend the reach of your marketing strategy. It can help your business attract new partners, thereby creating a mutually beneficial cycle for all involved.

Co-marketing partnerships are a great way to grow your existing professional relationships. They can convince other brands that working with you will benefit them. Marketing partnerships prove that you care about the success of your partners, and are willing to do the work to help them grow and thrive.

Possibly the most essential facet of successful co-marketing relationships is clear, positive, and regular communication. Marketing and communication are intimately linked. You’ll need to correspond often with your partners’ marketing teams using a tried and trusted business communication system to achieve results. 

4. Personalized Email Marketing Campaigns

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Email marketing has been around for decades, but personalized email marketing is a very different concept, especially when it comes to B2B content marketing.

It will take more time to create truly personalized emails, especially if you are trying to build an email funnel or pitch for very specific brands. However, this approach can be well worth the time and effort it demands.

The key here is to focus on outreach and pitch emails. Businesses are most likely looking to see personalized content here, which is why it’s so important to give them exactly what they want. Show the businesses you’re marketing to that you clearly understand them and their goals, and your marketing efforts are far more likely to hit home.

5. Engaging Featured Snippets

Have you ever glanced at the top of your Google search page and found a quote that directly answers the question you typed in? That’s a featured snippet.

Featured snippets rapidly and directly offer the most relevant information to your search on the page. Google doesn’t create these on their own. They look to content creators and marketing teams to supply insightful answers to commonly searched questions.

Snippets hold the key to gaining more exposure for your business. You need to aim to get a featured snippet on Google that’s targeted at common search terms that the businesses you work with often use.

A succinct featured snippet drives engagement with your marketing content, and it gives you a fantastic amount of authority. It shows that you’re a reliable resource that other businesses should be working with if they want to solve their most pressing problems.

Landing a featured snippet on Google requires some effort and a touch of science. You will need a great writing team and a solid understanding of SEO. Google supplies its own SEO guides to help get you started.


Final Words

B2B marketing can seem like a directionless process without a clear content marketing strategy in place. Your B2B strategy doesn’t need to differ significantly from your B2C approach, as long as you have a deep understanding of your audience and the answers they are seeking.

You can keep your B2B content marketing approach fresh by staying ahead of the latest content trends and strategies. At the same time, focus on growing and supporting your partnered businesses as you grow your own.

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Clara Jones


Clara Jones is a Dutch-American editor in the field of business processes, business communication and project management.

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