Web push

Get to the point. 5 insights about push length

Last updated - July 26 2024 12:55 AM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 4 min
Web push

Get to the point. 5 insights about push length

Last updated - July 26, 2024
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
4 min Read
push communication and marketing tips © kiattisaklamchan via Canva Pro

How many words do you need to get your message across? Let's see what's the preferred length of push notifications - and how to make the most of its limited space.

In our reports for 2023, we've included statistics about the most popular lengths of push notifications sent by our clients in the publishing and e-commerce sectors. Unsurprisingly, the numbers varied between them.

E-commerce push notifications get straight to the point

E-commerce results have shown more consistency, with 30-50 characters being the best-preferred option for the titles and over 50 for the body. It's not surprising, since e-commerce is all about marketing and short, precise calls to action.

web push length of the title
web push best body title

Publishers strive for clarity in their push notifications

publishing perfect title length
web push perfect body length publishing

Publishers are facing a different kind of challenge while reporting on the latest news or most popular topics, having to get the gist of reported messages across. The titles tend to be longer while the body of the push notifications show more variety. 

ChatGPT and other AI tools can be perfect for adjusting the title to match the desired length. Using a prompt to write headlines can facilitate the push message preparation.

There’s more to push than just text

Having discussed the general statistics, let’s see our top-rated push notifications in terms of CTR. Starting with the e-commerce sector, we have a mass campaign by ePlaneta:

web push notification desktop
web push notification mobile

The CTR of this push notification reached an impressive 6.04%. 

With 36 characters in the title (not counting spaces), this push notification fits right into the charts presented above. But there’s more to it, isn’t there? The large image repeating the message of free shipment catches the eye almost instantly. 

On the other side of the spectrum, we have a much calmer design of a mass campaign sent by Svenskdam.se. The article covers the latest updates about the health of Lasse Berghagen a popular Swedish singer-songwriter, who has unfortunately since passed away. The push notification dated before the unfortunate event is kept in a serious, matter-of-fact tone, conveying the words of the artist’s daughter. 

The CTR of this push campaign reached 13.11%. 

It goes to show that publishers don’t have to rely on clickbait to attract readership. 

push notification digital publisher

There’s even more you can do with your push notifications

A good push notification starts with a strong call-to-action (CTA). This is the part of the message that tells the user exactly what you want them to do. Using active verbs and direct language can significantly enhance the CTA’s effectiveness. 

For example, instead of saying "You have a new message," you could say "Check your new message now!" This slight adjustment not only informs the user but also encourages immediate engagement. The CTA should be placed prominently within the notification to ensure it stands out.

Exclamation marks can add a sense of urgency and excitement to your push notifications. However, they should be used sparingly to avoid coming across as spammy or overly aggressive. An exclamation mark can be particularly effective when highlighting special offers, limited-time deals, or important updates. 

For instance, "Sale ends today! Grab your discount now!" uses exclamation marks to convey urgency and enthusiasm, motivating the user to act quickly. The key is to balance enthusiasm with professionalism to maintain the user's trust.

Other techniques to make push notifications attractive include personalization and relevance. Personalizing notifications by including the user’s name or tailoring content based on their preferences can significantly increase engagement. 

Additionally, ensuring that notifications are relevant and timely can prevent them from being perceived as intrusive. A well-crafted notification like "Hey Sarah, your favorite item is back in stock! Shop now!" not only grabs attention but also feels personal and relevant, making the user more likely to respond positively. By combining a strong CTA, judicious use of exclamation marks, and personalization, push notifications can become a highly effective tool in your communication arsenal.

When in doubt, see the preview

You don’t have to count the characters and measure the perfect length. Just trust your own eyes - and see the message preview in the PushPushGo panel. 

perfect push length

This gives you a preview of your push notification on popular browsers and devices. You’ll make sure your images are pasted correctly and the text isn’t cut in an unfortunate place. 

Designing a perfect push notification takes a bit of effort - but the CTR spikes will show you it's worth the effort!

If you want more useful statistics about web push notifications, head to our ebook section and download our latest reports on web push performance in 2023. 

And if you have any further questions or you're interested in the PushPushGo offer, let us know: [email protected]

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Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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