Web push

Rocket Push Chrome widget - the fastest way to share news

Last updated - July 25 2024 4:53 PM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 3 min
Web push

Rocket Push Chrome widget - the fastest way to share news

Last updated - July 25, 2024
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
3 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

Rocket Push, a service accessible for PushPushGo enterprise clients, helps you to send mass campaigns faster and easier. This solution is especially helpful in the publishing industry, where conveying breaking news requires speed.

How do we approach information?

The news and publishing industry moves online - following content recipients. According to research on user preferences, more and more people seek information mainly on the internet, moving further away from paper or TV news sources. This applies mostly to users aged 18-34 and 35-49. Apart from news websites, they value information on social media or podcasts. They also search for news they're interested in by searching and browsing the web.

At the same time, according to the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, young users don't so much search for information, rather just stumble upon it while online, wy browsing websites and social media. After reading or watching the message, they usually get back to their previous activities. Unlike other generations, Gen Z doesn't have a time of the day devoted to reading news or watching them on TV at certain hours.

Web and mobile push are useful when it comes to reaching users who are occupied with something else. It allows you to contact them as soon as fresh news arrives. Rocket Push offered by PushPushGo can make the process of sending notifications even simpler.

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Rocket Push - speed up your mass push campaigns

As the race for readers' attention continues, content verification and creation are taking a lot of time. Content promotion is also an important part of news distribution - but it can be made easier and more intuitive. Now, with the Rocket Push Chrome extension, available for our enterprise clients, you can rapidly create and send push notifications to your subscribers.

rocket push chrome extention

Thanks to the extension you don't have to log in to your PushPushGo panel to send the notification. All you need is an active account and an integrated website (or websites). You can use the tool when you're on the site (ex. an article) you want to link in your push. With just one click Rocket Push will upload the title, link, and graphics URL to be used in the notification. All you have to do is adjust the content to the push form and send the notification to your subscribers. The push will be displayed on their computers and mobile devices.

Rocket Push is a good alternative for sending mass campaigns in the PushPushGo panel. It's also worth mentioning that on the PushPushGo platform you'll find a list of campaigns created via Rocket Push. It includes title, sent and delivered notifications, as well as date and time of sending. It allows you to keep track of campaigns and analyze their results.

rocket push sending web push notification

The advantages of Rocket Push can be useful in sectors other than publishing. It may prove beneficial in other areas, including e-commerce. Each e-marketer can appreciate the possibilities.

web push notifications

Try Rocket Push on your news platform

PushPushGo Rocket Push extension can be utilized on the Chrome browser. It's available for PushPushGo clients in Chrome Web Store. If you want to learn more about Rocket Push, contact our team at [email protected]

author photo
Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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