Online marketing insights

10+ statistics about mobile push notifications you need to know

Last updated - July 29 2024 11:15 AM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 6 min
Online marketing insights

10+ statistics about mobile push notifications you need to know

Last updated - July 29, 2024
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
6 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

On our blog, we frequently write about mobile push. That’s because this form of communication is flexible (any company with a mobile app can use it) and can be very effective when done correctly. Today, we want to show you what are the most important statistics you need to know in reference to mobile push notifications.

Everyone who thinks about creating a mobile push campaign or even introducing this form of communication to their company’s offer wants to know if that’s a good idea. Is mobile push truly effective? Or maybe the opposite is the case, and push notifications do more harm than good? To answer that question, we’ve gathered a list of the most interesting mobile-push-related statistics that we believe will give you a better insight into this marketing tool. Let’s start with user retention.

User retention

The first thing you need to know is that mobile push has a significant influence on user retention. This index informs you how many users continue using your app after downloading it. When you compare the percentage of users that enabled mobile push compared to the percentage of users that disabled it, it becomes obvious that the first group is more likely to use your app for a longer time:

mobile push retention


The difference is staggering, and the conclusion is obvious – if you encourage users to enable mobile push (and you actively use this channel), you will retain more users. In the third month, up to 4x more of them!

How often should you send push notifications?

The short answer is “that depends”. If you run a news platform and there is much going on, you ought to inform your users about them. If you run a B2B platform, you will probably want to use mobile push more economically. We always emphasize one crucial question – every push notification you send has to be well-thought-out and purposeful. Don’t send push notifications just for the sake of sending them. That’s the recipe for lost users. Let’s have a look at the statistics:

mobile push sending frequency


Here, it is vital to take a look at another source that shows the correlation between the mobile push frequency vs. the market sector:

mobile push frequency and unsubscription


This chart shows that if you operate in the SaaS/IT industry, you should refrain from sending too many “pushes”. On the other hand, the unsubscription rate is very low in the media & publishing sector, which means that people are eager to get the latest news frequently. 

What should you do? Analyze the numbers in your company and try to find the perfect balance that will enable you to stay in touch with your users without risking losing them due to too many messages sent weekly.

Here, we need to address one more question – how can you avoid being called a spammer when using push notifications?

What will get you the “spammer” label concerning mobile push?

There are at least five practices you need to avoid at all costs. We’ve already mentioned the first one – sending too many notifications. Over 70% of users will think of you as a spammer because of that. What are the other things to avoid?



Pay attention to these answers and always make sure that your notifications are:

  • Up to date

  • Relevant and purposeful

  • Personalized

  • Transparent and easy to understand

In which market sectors is mobile push effective?

The short answer is in almost all of them. Of course, there are some differences between sectors and industries, in some mobile push is more effective (travel sector - average open rate 27%) and in others less effective (education - average 9.2%). Many elements are impacting the efficiency of your mobile push campaigns, and the sector itself is just one of them. Additionally, take a look at the difference between Android and iOS devices. In general, Android users more frequently open the mobile push they receive.

push notification open rate android vs ios


What is the best time to send mobile push notifications?

There are two times during the day when mobile push gets a higher reaction rate – in the middle of the business day and in the evening:

Push notification Click Through rate by time of the day (%)


 You have to be careful, though. Almost 40% of mobile push users said these notifications are annoying when they disturb them at the wrong time. So, although 10 and 11 pm seems like the best time to send mobile push, you probably shouldn’t concentrate your efforts on that time of the day.

How is mobile push used in the e-commerce sector?

Mobile push works perfectly when it comes to online trade. Here is the list of the most common purposes for sending mobile push notifications in this niche:

reasons for sending mobile push


Lastly, we want to show you how to make your push notifications more effective. There are a few things you ought to remember.

How to make mobile push more effective

The first and most important factor is always the same – every push notification you send must be purposeful and attractive from the user’s perspective. That’s the most effective way of winning your customers’ engagement. However, there are three additional questions that you should concentrate on in order to give your mobile push campaigns a boost:


Users will use your app more willingly when your push notifications (source):

  • Are based on their set preferences: 49.2% of answers

  • Are relevant concerning the location of a given user: 42%

  • Take previous purchasing history into account: 37%

  • Track and use in-app behavior: 32.5%

  • Address each user by name: 26.8%


In general, personalized and segmented notifications are more effective and get a higher CTR. Don’t send everything to everyone at the same time. Segment your users by their needs, interests, and behaviors, and you will see a significant boost in the efficiency of your mobile push campaigns.


What’s the point of sending a notification about a new store in Madrid to a user located in Barcelona? If you add geo-targeting to your strategy, you will see higher open rates and conversion rates:

Success rate of geotargetting (%)



Both mobile and web push are very useful and effective when it comes to getting and retaining more customers and users. You have to use this technique purposefully, though. Gather as much information about your users as possible, track their behavior in your app or store and analyze how they react to push notifications that you send. Use this precious feedback to craft your campaigns.

And if you need help with mobile push, or you’re looking for a trusted provider, the PushPushGo team is at your service!

author photo
Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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