Mobile push

Three reasons why to add mobile push notifications to your application

Last updated - July 24 2024 7:51 PM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 5 min
Mobile push

Three reasons why to add mobile push notifications to your application

Last updated - July 24, 2024
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
5 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

Have you ever thought about adding mobile push notifications to your mobile app? From many perspectives, that’s a good idea that can help you engage users and benefit from new marketing and sales techniques. And that’s what we want to discuss today. In this post, we list seven crucial reasons why you should think about adding mobile push notifications to your app.

Companies and other organizations develop mobile apps to stay in touch with their users/customers, offer them quick and convenient access to their offers, and help them achieve their goals or solve their problems. The more functional and intuitive your digital product is, the better.

Adding mobile push to your application can extend the range of options and opportunities you can benefit from when offering a mobile app. So, let’s talk specifics why to use mobile push notifications.

Reason 1: Increase user retention to the application

Did you know that within the first 90 days after app installation 71% of users churn?

Here is how, according to Statista, the retention rate on day 30 of mobile app installs by category looked like in Q3 2022:


Although it is not possible to achieve a 100% retention rate, with mobile push notifications we can increase this index. 

65% of users, that enable mobile push notifications, return to the app within 30 days. Moreover, 46% of app users that signed up for mobile push notifications spent at least 11 sessions per month in the app compared to 25% that didn't.

Reason 2: Enable push automation and communicate with app users in real-time

Send mobile push reminders

The fact that users download your application doesn’t automatically mean that they are going to use it on a daily basis. You have to remember that today, users are bombarded with an excess of marketing offers and messages. In all that noise, they can simply forget about your app because there is always something more important or more urgent. By the way, that’s why retargeting, another technique that can be used with mobile push, is so effective.

Mobile push allows you to stay in touch with customers who downloaded your app and remind them about your offer (not too often, though). This element is especially important when you want to communicate something that matters to your customers. If the user doesn't return to your app during a specific period you can send him a gentle reminder. Mobile push works great if you sell products that customers regularly, just like in this example:


Fewer abandoned carts

With mobile push notifications, you can quickly reach every person who had put something in their cart in your mobile app but didn’t finish the order. Again, that happens very frequently, especially in fashion e-commerce. A quick, friendly reminder can be extremely effective in such a situation. You can just inform the user that they have some products in their cart and ask them to finish the order. If you want, you can add some incentives, e.g., free delivery.


Sell more products

If you run an e-commerce business, push notifications will help you sell more products through upselling and cross-selling. Suppose you have a customer who’s currently going through the purchasing process – they’ve just opened the cart. Why not display them a notification suggesting adding some products to the cart? In the worst-case scenario, they just won’t do that. But if you suggest complementary products that go very well with your customer’s current cart content, many people will feel encouraged to buy more. Here’s a good example:


Ask for feedback

A satisfied customer is the foundation of every successful business. That’s why it’s so important to know what your customers/users really think about your app and your offer in general. There are many forms of asking for customer feedback, including surveys like NPS, CSAT, and CES. You can use mobile push notifications to ask for feedback using your survey tools. If you want to ask one simple question, you can even put a survey directly in the notification.

Reason 3: Build users' loyalty and improve conversion

Send mobile push campaigns with important and valuable announcements.

Inform about promotions and special offers

Customers love them! Send notifications with vouchers, promo codes, and other special offers (e.g., a free delivery), and shortly the number of orders in your online store will go up.


Inspire your audience

Sometimes, all your users need to place an order or purchase a product is an inspiration, a small trigger to place the order. With push notifications, you can easily share interesting ideas and product suggestions (even better if they are tailored to a given person’s interests). Such a strategy can be extremely effective in the following industries and market sectors:

  • Fashion

  • Beauty 

  • Travel

  • Home decorating

  • HR (job applications) and online education

  • Hobbies


Inform about new content

Although content marketing is not a direct sales tool, it significantly streamlines the process. If you publish valuable, practical posts related to your business and how customers use your products, your potential customers can find information that will help them decide on purchasing a specific product or service. You can send quick information via mobile push whenever you publish something new on your blog.

Start using mobile push in your app!

You now know three good reasons to add push notifications to your marketing strategy for your mobile application. The next step is simple – create an account on our platform and start utilizing push notifications on your website or mobile application.

author photo
Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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