Online marketing insights

Why So Many Brands Choose Video Marketing?

Last updated - October 19 2023 8:07 AM
Roman Daneghyan
Reading time - 5 min
Online marketing insights

Why So Many Brands Choose Video Marketing?

Last updated - October 19, 2023
author push notification Roman Daneghyan
5 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

This is a common question that comes in mind of many people. Today, marketers know that video is an essential part of any successful marketing campaign. According to a report, an average business publishes around 18 videos each month. 85% of businesses have internal staff to produce in-house videos and on average, there are 293 videos in the library of a business. For many years, videos have been an essential part of the marketing strategy. But nowadays, it is more than that. It is basically a crux of result-oriented digital marketing strategies.

However, a video marketing strategy is not just limited to adding a video on YouTube or creating a TV ad, but it consists of several tactics and forms. From demos to convince, videos to educate and testimonials to reassure, social videos to engage, emotional videos to attract, there are so many types of videos that can be added in your video making strategy.

Coming to the question, why many businesses choose video marketing, let’s have a look:

  • Video helps in conversion

Videos have become one of the preferred methods for consuming online content. It has been reported that 78% of individuals watch videos online every week and the percentage to watch the video every single day is 55%. TacoBell is one of the leading brands that has conquered all social media platforms with its Uber creative campaigns. It has been using video marketing since 2011 and driving 92% views via Facebook.

When a product is added on the landing page, conversion rates increase by 80%. It can also lead to sales. According to some studies, 74% of users watch explainer videos about the products and then purchased the products.

  • Video Drives Organic Traffic

According to studies, video content helps in getting traffic from search engines by 157%. Whereas, 62% of businesses claim that videos increase traffic to the website as it increases engagement that also helps in improving SEO ranking. It increases the chances for the searchers to find your website. When you have a video on the landing page, it makes your website 53% visible on the search results of Google. Moreover, when you post videos on your YouTube, you are giving an opportunity to the prospects to find your content and thus, it drives traffic to your website.

  • More Informative

Videos also play an imperative role in helping customers remember your brand. Moreover, it recalls more information about your services or brands. Compared to text, visual content communicates information faster. People are able to remember 95% of a message viewing a video. Explainer videos are also very effective in communicating how a service or product works. 98% of users have actually watched explainer videos to know more about service or product.

  • Videos are appealing to Mobile Users

Undoubtedly, the popularity of videos is rising at a very rapid pace. As per a study, 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile phones and the percentage is on increase. Google has also found that mobile viewers are more likely to watch videos and share advertisements.

  • Videos are More Compatible and Searchable

When you search something on Google, you will see that in the top 100 listing on Google, video come in around 80%. It means buyers are seeking your items through online search. As YouTube is the 2nd vast search engine, so it clearly indicates that video content also gets a high position in the Search Engine Result Pages. Brands are choosing video marketing because video contents easily fit for all gadgets from cell phones to Pcs. This enhances the scope of videos as well as makes it more customer-centric.

  • Video content Entertains, Educates, Engages and Converts

According to a study by, more than “60% of buyers spend no less than 2 minutes viewing a tutorial and explainer video before making a purchase. Video content is very powerful when it comes to entertains, educates, engage and converting the audience into leads. A video with a story keeps viewers stuck to your website.

  • Videos are near to “Buy Button”

Let’s be honest, TV ads don’t have a buy button, but inline videos are just a click away. TV ads have just a 16% chance of doing this, whereas 34% of customers will buy subsequently after the video. However, the only thing a brand owner should keep in mind is creating engaging and entertaining videos. Moreover, when creating a video marketing campaign, make sure that it is integrated with Buy Now buttons and Call to Actions.

  • Get Instant Feedback on Videos

World Wide Web gives chance to everyone to express their opinion. Online videos are no exception. If a viewer likes your video, they will write good and praising comments, but if your video has something they don’t like, be ready for the rain of negative comments. This clearly shows how effective videos are in terms of getting feedback. Through the comments, the business owner will come to know what their audience actually think about their product or service. Also, they get familiar with the likes and dislikes of the consumer's needs.

Developing an effective video marketing campaign is often accomplished by conducting precise market research, collecting market insights and through competitive analysis. Once you have all the information, you can easily shape your strategy. Video marketing has become a soul of any marketing campaign and this is the reason why so many brands choose it.

Wrapping the post

51% of marketing professionals across the world consider video as a content format that delivers the effective Return on Investment. However, to get the most out of video marketing, all you need is properly executed and well-thought-out videos that not just represent your brand, but also communicate effectively with your services or products.

With so many amazing benefits of video marketing, it is important for any brand to have its own video campaign. A great video marketing campaign creates a great impact on the audience and transforms them into leads.

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Roman Daneghyan

CMO at Renderforest

Roman is the Chief Marketing Officer of Renderforest since 2016 January, which is an online branding platform for creating videos, logos and even websites. Specialist in Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Link Building and SEO. Featured on Forbes, CrazyEgg and Upwork.

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