Web push on an online fashion store. Beosport and PushPushGo

Beosport is a Serbian retailer and authorized distributor for leading global brands of fashion, casual and streetwear, as well as top-tier sports equipment for skiing, tennis, outdoor, cycling and extreme sports. Beosport implemented web push notifications in November 2021, just before Black Friday and Christmas sales, and achieved remarkable results from the very beginning. You can read more about it in our case study.

We spoke with Marina Živković, Performance Marketing Manager at Beosport, about her experience with web push notifications and PushPushGo so far.

Can you give us an overview of Beosport and your role in the company?

Beosport company is located in Serbia, in Belgrade, and has existed since 1992. We have a network of fashion and sports retail stores throughout Serbia and neighboring countries, as well as several web shops. I am part of the web team and my work is related to digital marketing.

What prompted you to implement push notifications on your websites? What goals did you want to achieve?

One of the goals of introducing the PushPushGo application was to reach new customers through a new channel. In addition, we inform all of them about new actions, sales, novelties on our web shop, which is very important for us.

How did the implementation of web push go? Was the process easy, or did you encounter any obstacles?

Regarding the implementation, my colleagues worked on it without any issues, and we received support from your team when necessary. Overall, the process went smoothly.

How long did it take before you noticed the results? Which KPIs improved? Can you estimate these changes?

We noticed the first results very quickly. The key indicator of progress is definitely the number of people or customers who signed up for this type of notification, which continuously increased with each push notification. That tendency keeps growing in varying degrees of continuity, which confirms its effectiveness.

How can you characterize your web push subscribers? Can you notice any behaviors in them not typical for your audience in other channels?

It is our need, but our customers as well like being up to date, following promotions, new collections, great discounts and sales, and this type of communication - push notification allows us to do that. We reach them concisely and briefly with the right information. As I mentioned, we think that they are used to and like this type of concise information and we conclude that they prefer to click and see the current offer in this way rather than searching or reading some larger content themselves.

In what cases do web push notifications work best?

Push notifications have the highest response when it comes to big actions, sales. Then the user response is higher and we detect the interaction with our web shop much faster.

Which features do you find the most useful?

The most useful functions are those related to mass campaigns because that way we target and reach a larger number of people, which is our goal.

What is your sending strategy for web push?

We have a specific schedule for sending push notifications on a weekly, therefore monthly basis, depending on campaigns and actions that are accompanied by specific textual and visual content. We try to inform our consumers about all important events on our web shop, and we do this in a planned manner.

What is your opinion of web push as a communication channel?

As I wrote, very effective. Clear, specific, short messages reach consumers. Given the variety of options available today, the point is to reach customers as efficiently as possible.

How would you rate your experience with PushPushGo so far?

We are very satisfied with the performance of PushPushGo. Compared to last year, part of the process has been simplified and thus shortened, so it can be used quickly and easily. What is important are automatic push notifications, of which there could perhaps be more in terms of different calls to action, although we have already created some of them independently. So far, our experience with this type of communication has been very positive.

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