Web push

How to connect RSS with web push?

Last updated - September 26 2023 12:56 AM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 2 min
Web push

How to connect RSS with web push?

Last updated - September 26, 2023
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
2 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

The ability to connect an RSS feed to a web push tool is good news for all publishers. In our text, we explain why it is worth considering such a solution, but we also warn about possible adverse effects.

What is RSS?

RSS (short for "Really Simple Syndication") is a data format used for automatically delivering updates from a website. Users can subscribe to channels and receive notifications about updates without the need to visit the website.

It is a convenient solution that allows for quick access to information. RSS readers or other integrated tools, such as web push, can be used to receive information through RSS.

web push notification

RSS and web push

What are the benefits of integrating RSS into the PushPushGo tool? First and foremost, it's worth noting the facilitation of working with push notifications. Information from the RSS channel will be automatically fetched into the push notifications, reducing the content selection process. Such prepared content can be swiftly sent to push subscribers. This will allow for:

  • increasing engagement and traffic to the website,

  • delivering instant updates and the latest news,

  • reaching a broader audience compared to relying solely on RSS or push notifications separately.

However, this also comes with certain risks. Frequently updated RSS feeds delivered instantly through push notifications can overwhelm recipients with a vast amount of information that may not be particularly relevant or interesting to them. Adopting this method of adding new push notifications excludes the establishment of responsible personalization, which, in the long run, allows for better reader engagement with a specific portal. It also limits the ability to control the content that is being sent through push notifications.

Therefore, when considering integrating RSS into web push notifications, it is worth considering additional solutions such as capping, which involves limiting the number of notifications that subscribers can receive per day. This helps prevent overwhelming recipients with an excessive amount of notifications and ensures a more controlled and balanced delivery of information.

RSS in PushPushGo

The PushPushGo service enables the integration of RSS into message deliveries. If you would like to learn more about this solution and try it out in your project, please reach out to us at [email protected] or contact your account manager.

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Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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