Frequently asked questions
How are recipients identified?

Web push technology is based on the use of service workers in the browser, meaning the recipients are identified by the browser they use. Our platform does not use personal data or cookies. Each person who subscribes to notifications receives an individual string of characters, the so-called SubscriberID.

Web push subscription specifications are as follows:

1. Loading the PushPushGo script

The user enters a website where the PushPushGo plugin is implemented

[HTTPS - Downloading the JavaScript script to the user page]

2. The appearance of the initial subscription form

A message appears prompting a user to subscribe to [Pre-Paste JavaScript]. At this point, it is possible to accept or reject the message. Rejection causes the data to be saved in the IndexedDB browser memory.

3. The second registration form

Upon acceptance, a second registration form appears

4. Service Worker registration

The HTTPS inquires after the Intermediary (Google, Mozilla etc.) with a request to generate the subscriber's HASH along with the keys for the authorization of the campaign.

5. Transfer of data to PushPushGo

After giving consent, the subscription proceeds, meaning that the above-mentioned information is transferred to the PushPushGo database through an HTTPS connection, and in reply, PushPushGo returns the subscriber's ID. This data is stored in IndexedDB (available only to this user from the level of our script). A notation that it is already saved to the database and further permission is not needed.

6. Communication with subscribers

Using the PushPushGo servers, the owner of an integrated site using the application can now directly communicate with that person (without having an e-mail address, telephone number, or any personal data).

browser user web push subscribers

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